Everything you need to know.

The Equity Placement Model Explained
One-fifth of all Selective and OC school places will be reserved for disadvantaged and under-represented students starting from 2023 entry. Read our blog to find out how this impacts your child.

2021 Selective Test - Changes to Scoring
Major changes to how the 2021 Selective Test placement score will be calculated have been announced. Read now to see how this will affect your child.

Thinking Skills - Overview
The new Thinking Skills section has left many of us confused and stressed over what will be examined. We broke down the topic into the main question types to provide an overview of what you can expect in the exam.

Changes to the Selective Test
The Selective Test is undergoing its largest overhaul in 30yrs which can make preparing for the exam confusing. Here’s everything we know so far and how the tests could potentially be changed.